Bodies Fluctuate, Your Worth Does Not


Social media constantly bombards us with curated images of perfection, “ideal” bodies, and beautiful faces. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to what we see online. However, we should never compare ourselves to someone else's best pose,  posture, angle, or edit.

In reality, bodies are meant to move, jiggle, and squish! Everyone has moments of insecurity and everyone’s body is subject to the same natural fluctuations. It's completely normal to have body fat and it’s also completely normal for a relaxed body to be soft and round.

When we measure ourselves against the best versions of others, we are setting ourselves up for unnecessary worries. Instead, let's focus on our own journeys and celebrate our unique bodies for all they do for us!

A Self-Love Journey

Growing up, I was constantly scrutinized over how my body looked. Gaining weight was considered a bad thing, leading me to believe that body fat was unacceptable. This mindset is so common in our society, where thinness is often equated with beauty and health. However, this belief is not only untrue, but also harmful.

As I got older, I struggled with how my body constantly changed. I dreaded family gatherings, fearing the inevitable comments on my appearance. A simple arm squeeze still triggers uncomfortable memories to this day because of the constant poking and prodding. All these experiences left a lasting impact on my self-esteem and body image.

It’s been a long work in progress, but I’m beginning to understand that my worth is not tied to my physical appearance. Our bodies are powerful, evolving entities, and it's perfectly normal for them to change over time. These changes do not diminish anyone’s value or beauty.

There are still times when I struggle with body confidence. I’m not always comfortable in my own skin, and that's okay. What has helped me tremendously is applying the love and appreciation I give to others to myself as well. If I can be kind and supportive to a friend, why not extend that same kindness to myself?

It’s important to recognize the incredible things our bodies do for us every day. They allow us to experience life, to move, to feel, to love. Our bodies are not vessels to be judged by appearance, but integral parts of who we are.

Your Worth is Unchanging

Your body will always change, but your worth will not. You are more than just your body. You are your thoughts, your passions, your kindness, and your dreams. You are beautiful, not despite your body's natural changes but because of them.

In moments of self-doubt, remind yourself to be kind. It’s okay to sit with your feelings and feel them wholeheartedly. But don’t dwell on the negatives. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a loved one. Celebrate your body for its strength, resilience, and capacity for joy. Embrace the jiggles, the squishes, and the movement—they are signs of life!

Remember, you are worthy of love and respect exactly as you are. Bodies fluctuate, but your worth remains constant. Be kind to yourself, today and always.

*I am NOT a professional. I can only speak from my own mental health journey, everyone copes differently. However, I’ve found it most helpful to stay consistent in recognizing my own needs. I’ve written several other posts with some helpful tips for alleviating your struggles.


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