Overcoming Body Insecurities With Fashion


In today's society, body insecurities have become an all-too-common struggle for many individuals. To be honest, I can't recall a time where I wasn't insecure or lacking confidence. The impact of these insecurities on mental health can be profound, affecting our self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.

Especially when it comes to fashion, body insecurities can hinder our ability to fully express ourselves and prevent us from embracing personal interests. However, it's crucial to remember that fashion should be a tool for self-expression and self-love.

Navigating this journey towards self-acceptance and nurturing a positive relationship with your body takes time. It's not always easy, but with any challenge, you have to intentionally fight through each battle in order to slowly gain that confidence and love you deserve.

Recognize the Roots of Body Insecurities

Understanding where your body insecurities come from is an important step towards healing. Examine the influences in your life that have shaped your perception of beauty and body image. 

The hardest part is acknowledging yourself and seeing parts of your body that make you feel insecure and why you feel that way. Once you've identified your insecurities, challenge them by focusing on your positive attributes and reminding yourself that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

To this day, I still struggle with my appearance due to familial perspectives and their views on body image. It almost feels like a step back in my progress whenever visiting as I'm reminded about what I should and shouldn't do in order to look a certain way. What I should and shouldn't wear. And even what I should and shouldn't eat.

Progress isn't linear, but understanding how your body insecurities formed will help start the journey in unraveling negative stereotypes.

Cultivate a Positive Body Image

Practicing self-compassion helps develop a positive body image. Replace self-criticism with self-affirmation and positive affirmations. There is no one-size-fits-all definition when it comes to true self expression and fashion. 

Stop the comparison game and start surrounding yourself with positive influences such as genuine body-positive social media accounts, blogs, and communities that celebrate diverse bodies who have a passion for style and putting together confidence boosting outfits. You can find inspiration with all body types. If you notice negative thoughts from following a certain person, immediately unfollow or mute them in order to focus on helpful and meaningful interactions.

Comparing yourself to others can be difficult to navigate. There are creators that I love and support, but seeing their content can be triggering so I do follow the mute option in order to continue supporting them while still having access to their content whenever Iโ€™m in a better headspace. I also personally like to remind myself of my strengths and accomplishments that my body and mind have achieved. Even if it's a small accomplishment, that still is a positive step towards building my confidence.

Dress for Yourself

Fashion is an ever-changing landscape, and your style can evolve along with it. Dress for yourself rather than chasing popular trends or seeking validation from others. Try stepping outside of your comfort zone and allow yourself to have fun while trying different styles. Remember, fashion is about expressing your individuality and feeling comfortable in your own skin.

You don't have to leave the house in your newly styled outfit right away! Play dress up in the safety of your own home to discover what truly resonates with you. Mix and match different pieces. Layer clothing items, put together experimental outfits, and play with textures and colors.

My biggest fashion fear comes from tight, fitted silhouettes even though I've always loved how certain clothing items look. I just feel that on my body it doesnโ€™t always seen flattering. Some days do I feel confident in what I want to wear, while other days it can be difficult to appreciate what I see in the mirror.

When I'm on a particularly low day, I like to remember that even our bodies are ever-changing. The human body is squishy! We're not naturally built to be smooth or plastic-like. All bodies have curves, fat, and folds. That doesn't mean we are those things. It is simply just a part of us.

Practice Self-Care

Engaging in self-care activities can significantly impact your mental health and body image. Take time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

This can include practicing mindfulness and meditation, engaging in physical activities you enjoy, prioritizing adequate sleep, and adopting a nourishing diet. Self-care is about nurturing yourself holistically and promoting overall well-being.

When you feel good on the inside it shows on the outside as well. So whenever you're not feeling confident, give yourself some extra love and take care of yourself first.

Seek Professional Support

If body insecurities continue to significantly impact your mental health and quality of life, seeking professional help is a valuable option. Consider consulting a therapist or counselor who specializes in body image and self-esteem. They can provide valuable guidance and support tailored to your individual needs.

Overcoming body insecurities and nurturing mental health is a personal journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to self-love. Remember that your worth extends far beyond your physical appearance and clothing. You are deserving of love, respect, and acceptance.

Embrace the journey towards self-acceptance, celebrate your body's strength and resilience, and prioritize your mental well-being. With time and dedication, you can foster a positive body image, enhance your mental health, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and appreciation.