How To Practice Self-Love


It’s the season of love! February is often associated with finding love from others, but what’s more important is finding love within yourself. 

Treat yourself as you would a good friend or romantic partner. Prioritize your needs, embrace your flaws, forgive yourself, and be kind. Practicing self-love is an important factor in improving both your mental and physical health.

Self-love can often be a challenge and lifelong journey. Loving yourself doesn’t end in any season and it’s important to honor and nurture yourself at any given time. 

Mental Health BenefitS

Self-love teaches the importance of prioritizing your own needs. Think of the classic airplane scenario- you can’t help others in need if you don’t take care of yourself first. 

The same goes with accepting yourself and managing your own well-being. If you don’t set boundaries, it becomes harder to foster confidence and happiness. And emotionally-draining situations become difficult to manage.

Finding ways to love yourself leads to better happiness, acceptance, and self-esteem.

Physical Health Benefits

Self-love also prioritizes your body’s needs through exercise and nutrition. When you practice self-love, you learn to not overexert yourself or deprive your body of basic needs.

It’s perfectly okay to enjoy your favorite foods or take a rest day. 

How To Practice Self-Love

Self-love is different for everyone. It’s important to realize what your own needs are in order to find love within yourself.

Take Yourself On A Date

Spending time alone helps you better understand your personal needs and preferences. Solo-dates can help build confidence and independence. Find comfort in the quiet.

Check In With Yourself Emotionally

Learn what your feelings mean, including the negative thoughts. When you recognize your own emotions, it becomes easier to unravel what situations trigger or support you.

Give Yourself A Compliment

Be your own hype man! What are things you love about yourself? Not only physically, but mentally too.

Celebrate The Small Wins

Be proud of all your small achievements! These are the steps that lead up to the big goal. Take a step back and realize all you’ve been able to accomplish.

Allow Yourself To Make Mistakes

Mistakes are learning lessons! The pressure to be perfect all the time is unachievable. Embrace imperfections and enjoy the journey of constant growth.

Let Go Of Toxic People

Protect your mental health. Regardless of the relationship, it’s important to set boundaries or even remove toxic people from your life. There’s nothing  wrong with removing yourself from situations that are draining.

Remember, prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish. You are worth loving and that all starts from within.

#EndTheStigma: Help destigmatize and bring awareness to difficult mental health topics. These pins open up the conversation when discussing mental health! 10% of all proceeds are donated to NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.