Signs You Are Growing As A Person

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Growth is often a slow transformation with subtle life shifts that go unnoticeable until reflected on. Growth can also be extremely uncomfortable and challenging as you evolve into the person you are proud of. As you dive deeper into your own personal growth, you’ll notice the changes that have taken place.

Here are five signs that might help with understanding your growth, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

You Literally Feel Uncomfortable

You are experiencing a change that is physically, mentally, and/or emotionally uncomfortable. You are challenging and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. However, you embrace that discomfort and unknown because you are not happy with continuing with what you are used to in life. The results are ultimately positive or a learning experience.

Your Social Circle Is Changing

You realize who is worth giving your time and energy to. You are spend less time with people who drain you, let go of toxic people in your life, and start investing in those who reciprocate the same values as you. It’s tough to end any kind of relationship, but is necessary in order to fully reach a state of peace where you can continue nurturing your soul.

You're letting go of any sort of toxicity

Instead of enduring the negativity or participating in toxic behaviors, you begin to create distance with whatever is bringing harm to your life. You are becoming more assertive and learning to say no. Setting boundaries becomes easier and you give yourself time to practice self-care. Slowly, you become more aware of what is and isn’t good for your mental health.

You start to recognize and appreciate the need for rest

The pressure to always be on the go and hustling starts to fade. You realize that rest is an important factor in your journey. There needs to be some down time in order to recharge and assess how to move forward in order to achieve your goals. You begin to enjoy the slower moments.

You’re rediscovering your soul

You remember all the things you truly love, uninfluenced by any outside sources. You begin to understand yourself better and aren’t afraid to express your interests to others. Rediscovering yourself doesn’t negate who you were before. It is simply the process in becoming who you are today. Every experience helps you discover what you want out of life.

#EndTheStigma: Help destigmatize and bring awareness to difficult mental health topics. These pins open up the conversation when discussing mental health! 10% of all proceeds are donated to NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.


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