#CreateWithChelle: Mirror Reflections

One of the most common items in any household is a mirror! 

So, why not use it as a photo prop? Mirrors are a great way to creatively express yourself without having to spend tons of money on photography. They come in all shapes and sizes, are versatile, and can be used over and over again.

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Things To Consider

Getting the right shot can sometimes be a little tricky with mirrors, especially if you don’t have any extra help. Here are some tips I learned as I was shooting with just a tripod and self-timer.

Camera Position

You don’t want the camera right over your shoulder, instead place it at an angle so there is no reflection in the mirror when you’re looking straight on. Afterwards, position yourself so that you can actually see the camera in the mirror. It might feel strange like everything is in the wrong spot, but after a few test shots you will find the perfect spot to pose!


Play around with how you place the mirror. Try tilting it away from the camera or laying it flat on the ground in order to add more interest to your photo. Keep in mind what is also being reflected in the background. Does it enhance the concept or just create a messy background?


If you have a smaller mirror it is better to be closer in order to capture more detail. That also depends on what you want to showcase. Do you want to show off a full outfit or a couple jewelry pieces? Maybe you want to capture both yourself and the reflection.

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Surrounding Area

The mirror is just one element to your photo and your surrounding area can further push your concept to tell a story. Where are you, what kind of day is it, how do you further showcase your style? It doesn’t have to be a complicated display, but there are so many different places you can use besides a wall. If you have a portable mirror, take it outside!

Trial and Error

Have patience when trying to shoot with a mirror for the first time! It can be frustrating, but the results can be amazing. Keep moving things around until you are happy. And if the shoot doesn’t work out, you can always try again another time! A little practice goes a long way.

I hope you were able to find some inspiration. If you try this, don’t forget to tag #CreateWithChelle on Instagram. I’d love to see what your create!