Social Media Break


What would you consider a break?

Social media can be quite draining with the constant consumption and production of new content. When it all becomes too overwhelming, it is important to put down your phone and focus your attention elsewhere. Taking a break could be anywhere from a day to months or for as long as you possibly might need in order to mentally recover.

You may be feeling tired, burnt-out and uninspired to create. Nothing catches your interest anymore, yet there is still the pressure to keep up to date on all the latest trends. However, stepping back for some time won’t create a negative impact on what’s truly important. Your health.

Yes, your social followings may decrease due to lack of engagement, but those unfollows are most likely from spam accounts. Speaking from experience, I took a week-long break, deleted over 200 spam accounts, a slight dip in reach, and then a couple weeks later continued to grow significantly due to more thoughtful content being shared.

Let’s forget about analytics, engagement, and numbers for now. If social media is negatively affecting your mental health it’s time for a break.Time to reconnect with other passions and find inspiration outside of an app. 

Easier said than done, right? Sometimes we just get bored and automatically pick up the phone and start scrolling. 

Here are some ideas keep yourself refreshed:

Daily Breaks

Set a specific time slot where your phone isn’t in your hands (at least an hour). I usually just charge my phone or put it on my desk. This time can be spent engaging in other hobbies like trying a new recipe, reading a good book, or playing a game with friends. Whatever you choose to do, remember to hone in on your other interests and do things you love. 

Sensory Self-Care

Self-care is important for mental wellbeing. It doesn’t always have to take up a ton of time either. If you have a busy lifestyle, there are still ways to focus on you. A popular grounding technique known as "5-4-3-2-1" relies on the five senses to help focus the mind and acknowledge reality. This technique can also be applied to self-care activities in the form of listening to music, eating healthy foods, getting a massage, and more.

Take A Vacation

Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit or create a staycation at home! Photography is still a huge passion for many, so snapping a few pics isn’t off-limits. However, you don’t need to post on social media right away! Instead of using your phone, try capturing memories on a polaroid or digital camera. And enjoy your vacation. Lay out in the sun, explore new locations, and simply be present.

Do Absolutely Nothing

Sometimes you just need a day to do nothing. And that is perfectly okay. You don’t have to be constantly doing something. Rest is important in order to recover. If you want to sleep all day, that’s okay! Want to binge-watch some shows? Do it! Allow yourself to enjoy a slow day.

There are so many things you can do that don't involve social media. Find something enjoyable that makes you forget about constantly checking your phone. Pick up a new hobby. Or simply take the time to rest.

#EndTheStigma: Help destigmatize and bring awareness to difficult mental health topics. These pins open up the conversation when discussing mental health! 10% of all proceeds are donated to NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.


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