
I've been wanting to try SkinTē for about a year now and just never pulled the trigger. I'm quite slow with my purchases sometimes. So, when an opportunity to create content for my friend's workplace popped up I went ahead and said yes!

This post is in no way sponsored by SkinTē. I was hired by a marketing agency who kindly gifted me some extra product.

To be honest, recently I’ve been searching for supplements in order to help with my skin and overall wellness. Usually I add a collagen powder into my morning coffee, but sometimes I just want to mix it up! When an ad for SkinTē popped up I was first drawn in by the design and branding. Right away it’s clear that SkinTē is a collagen sparking tea.


My curiosity won me over and I began to look into what this tea was all about. Most wellness drinks claim to be delicious and beneficial due to the fact that they are sugar-free. However, that sugar-free aspect is usually because of stevia and in my opinion, stevia does not mix well with most food and drink. I just can’t stand the flavor.

Instead, SkinTē relies on natural ingredients, such as grapefruit and vanilla, in order to achieve a minimum amount of sweet flavoring. Taking an even closer look at the ingredients, SkinTē is way more than just a collagen drink. 

Each flavor has the same base formula in order to support whole-body wellness and mood. What you get is a refreshing pick-me-up for real beauty inside and out. Who wouldn’t want to give that a try?

I must admit, I do have a huge sweet-tooth so I’m not always a fan of certain teas. I did not like White Tea Ginger at all. Which is ironic, because that drink had the most amount of sugar of all three drinks. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the taste just wasn’t for me.

However, Green Tea Grapefruit and Hibiscus Vanilla won me over!

A vanilla sparkling drink is a bit strange to me and I was hesitant to try it. I actually thought Hibiscus Vanilla would be the only one I didn’t like, but I was wrong! It’s pleasant and not overpowering. Although, I don’t think it would ever be my first choice. Getting a pack of twelve just seems excessive as I’d only like to have one every now and then.

Now, let me rave about Green Tea Grapefruit for a minute! It’s crisp and refreshing and the jasmine green tea just pairs perfectly with the grapefruit. I do love citrus, so I could be a bit biased. The flavor is versatile and can be mixed with other drinks if you feel like it. I think the SkinTē team struck gold with this one as it seems to be a favorite among many!

Recently, SkinTē came out with a new Lemon Lime flavor and I’d definitely love to try that sometime as my love for lemon is greater than grapefruit.

Green Tea Grapefruit.jpg
Green Tea Grapefruit.gif

Is SkinTē beneficial? 

Knowing my skin, whenever I try a new beauty regimen I tend to break out for a couple weeks. So, it was no surprise when a few spots popped up. However, it wasn’t as bad or painful as it usually is so that’s nice. 

Overall, I just feel better. The whole first week I was in a positive mood, productive, and kind to myself. I had less anxiety over my skin break out and have begun to notice improvements with both my skin and hair. I love that the collagen isn’t noticeable and the flavors are great!

Even if SkinTē had shown no outer beauty improvements, I do feel like it is a great product for boosting your mood and health. As much as I try to take care of my skin, I’m more surprised about the health benefits that are quite noticeable!

What’s the downside?

The only things I’m disappointed about are the price and options available. Which is probably why I’ve been so hesitant to make a purchase in the first place! SkinTē is a bit pricey, but it’s a product that seems to work. However, I’m not sure if I’d pay $50 for a twelve-pack that I could probably stretch to last for a month. Especially if I could get something else with similar benefits and pricing that lasts several months more.

Each pack also only has one flavor. While there is a sample pack, if I wanted to buy again, I’d want to have a variety of flavors in one for the price I’m paying. Or to have the option of buying in smaller quantities. It’s a minor complaint for a beauty product though. I do tend to splurge on new items to try every now and then whenever I can afford it.

Final Thoughts

SkinTē actually has great flavors on top of beneficial ingredients. It’s worth a try if you don’t like collagen powders or want to try something new.