#CreateWithChelle: Illusions

Bring your ideas to life from the comfort of your home! There’s so many tools and resources out there that it is quite easy to create whatever you want with a little time and effort. Whether you use Photoshop, PicsArt, or stock images, the possibilities are endless.

There’s two parts to this challenge. You don’t have to do both, but why not! ! If you want to keep this challenge simple, focus on the props.

Home Portraits Challenge Four: Photo Manipulation

CreateWithChelle Illusions photo manipulation

Here are some prop ideas:

Magnifying Glass

Cup of Water


Fish Bowl

Flower Vase

These objects will naturally distort whatever part of your face you focus on. Experiment and see what looks best by moving your prop to different sections of your face. To further exaggerate the look, simply liquify the section you want to with the bloat or pucker tool in Photoshop. And then you’re done!

Now comes the second part. Transport yourself to another scene! You don’t have to make it overly complicated, but add a bit of story to your picture. What’s the reason behind the props? The great thing about shooting against a blank wall is that you have the opportunity to create any story you think of.

Don’t forget to share your artwork with me! Tag #CreateWithChelle on Instagram. 


My thoughts: I’m horrible with stock images. I probably spent the past two or three hours trying to edit an actual landscape background in. But nothing looked quite right. I already knew I wanted to use butterflies, so manipulating those was easier. I just didn’t want to have a white background and was trying to think of what to do. The background was definitely the biggest challenge for me.

Playing around with the magnifying glass was a new experience, but it was fun! Nothing stressful, which I’m glad, because all that frustration went towards the editing! Taking photos at home is still an adjustment. I miss having some scenery to work with, but I’m happy I’m trying new things. Currently, I still prefer shooting outside, haha!