#CreateWithChelle: Morning Routine

Even though the world has entered uncertain times, there is still so much to be grateful for. We must remember to appreciate the time we have and enjoy all the little things that make life better. Life isn’t just about grand adventures. There is beauty in the mundane. 

Challenge 5: Favorite Morning Routine Activity

What's one thing that makes your morning that much more enjoyable?

Showcase a part of your morning routine whether you want to be raw and real or create a bit of a set up. Try shooting in areas where you feel most comfortable. And maybe you haven’t quite developed a routine yet. That’s okay! Show what you’d like to add to your morning.

Share you morning routine with me! Tag #CreateWithChelle on Instagram. 

Create With Chelle Morning Routine

My Thoughts: To be honest I just wanted an easy shoot, but apparently I don’t know how to give myself a break! I really tried to experiment with lighting, but ended up not liking how the shadows fell no matter where I put the light. I probably spent about an hour just playing around with the light. 

I also tried several different outfits and rearranged my props multiple times. It was proving to be quite a difficult task. As much as I appreciate well-decorated homes, that is not my forte. But at least I’m a little bit of a hoarder, so I have lots of items that can be used as props!

This isn’t one of my favorite challenges. I was even considering not posting, but I’m not unhappy with the final results. Kinda felt “meh” when it came to editing. So, I decided to turn the image into a video instead and add some steam floating up from the cup. Check it out on Instagram!

Basically, I just wanted to finish this challenge and not have to re-shoot a third time ( yes, I shot this twice) or come up with a whole other challenge. But it’s a challenge for a reason! Even if the concept seemed easy, the execution was a bit difficult for me.


Just for fun!

Here’s what my prop area usually looks like! I also have a prop closet for things I don’t use as much. You don’t need to have a lot of space to create. In fact, the “studio” is a shared space for shooting or exercise. So anytime I’m not shooting, I have to pack everything away neatly because there would be zero room to do anything else if I didn’t!
