Badwater Basin

Death Valley is full of breathtaking sights. However, if there is one place you must visit, it is Badwater Basin. I've gone twice in one year and I would definitely visit again! 

Badwater Basin is unlike any other place. The area is surrounded by mountains and filled with salt that spans for miles and miles. The further you walk into the salt flats the more it feels like you are being transported into another world. 

It is best to go during the cooler months of the year as visiting Badwater Basin can be quite dangerous. Any desert land is rough during the summer, but the salt flats contain zero shelter from the sun which reflects the light back onto you. As long as you bring plenty of water and avoid peak heat, you'll be absolutely fine! The hike is super easy and relatively short depending on how far you want to go. 

There are just some places that you must see for yourself. Taking a trip to Death Valley will not disappoint.

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