What Causes Lack of Motivation?


Everyone has experienced a lack of motivation or desire at some point in their life. It can be a huge mental hurdle to overcome if you don’t even know the root cause. If you’re feeling a lack of passion with zero goals or willingness to work then you might be suffering from lack of motivation.

If you think it might be something else, check out this previous blog post: The Difference Between Laziness, Lack of Motivation, and Depression.

So how can you boost your motivation to be in a healthy state of mind? Below are some common signs that may help you identify where your lack of motivation comes from. 

You Don’t Know What You Want

The most common cause of lack of motivation is simply not knowing what you want. There is a lack of clarity in achieving your goals. Or maybe there aren’t any goals to begin with. As a result, there is no starting point to push you in the right direction.

To identify the type of goals you want to aim for, think about what actually excites you. What do you want out of life? This can be career oriented, emotional well-being, spiritual, or anything else that sparks joy.

If you don’t know where to start, write down anything that makes you happy. For example, do you love having an organized space? Do you have a secret skill for dog whispering? No matter what it is, you can build on top of your passions in order to motivate you towards a goal you want to achieve.

Constantly Doubting Yourself

When you doubt your own abilities, you don’t feel like you can execute tasks the “right” way. Self-doubt leads to avoidance which turns into having an unmotivated mindset. 

Struggling to believe in yourself takes time to overcome. We often turn to others for acceptance and approval to gauge just how good our abilities are. However, the most important approval comes from ourselves. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says if you are still constantly doubting yourself. 

Remember everyone has to start somewhere. Your skills are always improving. By beginning a task we learn along the way and make adjustments in order to be better. Tell yourself some positive affirmations to help kickstart your motivation. You are amazing no matter what and you can achieve anything you set your mind to! 

Tasks Feel Overwhelming 

Sometimes the to-do list just feels like way too much. There is so much to do and it feels like there is no time to complete anything. The stress pushes you to not care leading to a lack of motivation.

Take a deep breath. Slow down. Write down your tasks, but focus on one thing at a time. It’s easier to accomplish tasks little by little instead of constantly thinking about what needs to be done next. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, break down the bigger tasks into small achievable goals. 

Kick-start your motivation and further discover yourself with the Mood & Motivation Journal.

You’re Prone To Procrastination

Procrastination is quite common when you have perfectionist tendencies. One of the biggest contributors to procrastination is waiting for inspiration to strike. When there is no inspiration there is a lack of motivation to start a certain task.

Procrastinators also tend to avoid difficult or uninteresting tasks and may deliberately look for distraction. This is actually an easy habit to fall into. Your mindset plays a huge role in overcoming procrastination. If you can overcome whatever is causing your procrastination, you might be able to break away from feeling unmotivated. 

Easier said than done, right? Try creating a to-do list, eliminate the things that distract you, and reward yourself! Give yourself something to look forward to after completing a task. Your work is deserving of recognition.

You Feel Burnt Out

Burn out is a complex and difficult experience, especially if you are unsure of how to move forward. Hustle culture has taught us to keep working no matter what. To keep going because that is the only way we’ll achieve our goals.

However, the constant hustle can actually do more harm than good. The exhaustion from feeling burnt out quickly zaps away any desire to meet expectations. It lowers motivation and reduces both mental and physical health. What you are doing may also be unfulfilling which can accelerate feelings of exhaustion and lack of motivation. It is important to take action in improving your well-being if you are feeling burnt out. 

Evaluate your options and seek support from others. Most importantly, take time to rest. Your mind is sending out a signal that it’s time for a break or change of scenery. 

Lack of motivation doesn’t mean you are lacking in any capacity. You are capable of doing great things! Seek professional help if you are in need of guidance.  

#EndTheStigma: Help destigmatize and bring awareness to difficult mental health topics. These pins open up the conversation when discussing mental health! 10% of all proceeds are donated to NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.

*I am NOT a professional. I can only speak from my own mental health journey, everyone copes differently. However, I’ve found it most helpful to stay consistent in recognizing my own needs. I’ve written several other posts with some helpful tips for alleviating your struggles. Articles are listed below.


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