#CreateWithChelle: Photo Collage

I actually posted this picture earlier because I had so many feelings surrounding this creation and I was quite proud of the results! I haven’t crafted anything in a while, so this was a good change for me.

A lot of people had mentioned creating tutorials or saying that they wish they were creative. Everyone has the capacity to be creative! Art is subjective, as long as you’re happy with your work, that’s all that matters! I’ll try and add more tutorials and BTS to these posts!

Challenge 6: Photography Collage

If you love crafting, this challenge is for you! The process can be time-consuming, but also very relaxing. You have total creative freedom with this.

Try adding flowers, sewing onto your picture, or even adding stickers! Your options are endless. Want to keep it a little more simple? Rip up your photo and reassemble it differently or crumple it up and rephotograph the results. "Destroying" your photo is another form of creating artwork so don't feel like you're ruining anything. 

Share your artwork me! Tag #CreateWithChelle on Instagram.

With Chelle Collage

Here is the process:

  1. Grab a photo. You don’t need anything fancy, I just printed mine out on regular paper. If you look closely you can see the printer lines in the hair.

  2. Lay down your objects. In this case, flowers! I purposefully covered up certain lines and just used other pieces of paper to “erase” the top of my head.

  3. Rephotograph. I set my photo next to a window to create soft shadows and took a picture of my piece.

  4. Finishing Touches. This is optional depending on your vision. I realized I actually wanted a blue background so I took the photograph back into Photoshop to change the background. I also removed the paper lines.

With Chelle Photo Collage
BTS With Chelle

My Thoughts: I don’t always take my collages back into Photoshop, but I had changed my mind last minute. At first I had kept the image to have the off-white/grayish background, but I felt like the entire image wasn’t popping enough.

I really enjoyed the whole process. Crafting always makes me happy and I’m glad I took a break from shooting. I feel like anyone has the ability to create a collage! It’s simple, fun, and doesn’t require any fancy equipment. Just your imagination.

This is the type of project you can do with your friends or children. No screens needed, so why not hang out together while you create some things!