Strawberry Cheesecake Puff Pastry


Even if you are not the best at baking, these Strawberry Cheesecake Hearts are super easy to make, it will surely impress anyone! Most of the effort goes into prepping the ingredients and the results are so delicious.

You’ll want to get premade puff pastry sheets, available at most local stores, and different sizes of heart shaped cookie cutters.

Personally, I like fresh strawberries and cream, so the only thing I had to bake was the puff pastry. You can bake the fruit and cream as seen in other recipes.

The dough

Whichever puff pastry you get, there should be instructions on the box for preheat and bake time.

I used Pepperidge Farm, so I preheated the oven to 400°F and baked for about 15 minutes.

All you have to do is roll out your dough. Then cut your hearts out. You will be stacking two hearts, the top should have another heart cut out in the middle.

The Filling

For the filling, you will make two creams separately before combining. This recipe makes a small batch for about 6-8 pastries depending on the size of your hearts.

Cream Cheese Frosting

1/4 c cream cheese

1/4 c sugar

pinch of salt

splash of vanilla extract

Mix all your ingredients together until it is a smooth consistency. Use a fork or spoon to mash everything together. It is only a small amount so a whisk doesn’t really work with this, especially with how thick cream cheese is.

Whipped Cream

1/4 c heavy whipping cream

1/8 c sugar

Blend until smooth and stiff.

Because I don’t bake large amounts or have many baking tools, I just use a handheld milk frother. The one I use is quite powerful and cuts through heavy cream easily.

Now you can combine both creams. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and blend until it is one consistent texture. Refrigerate until your puff pastry is done baking and has completely cooled down.

The Final Pastry

This is optional, but I like to dust my pastries with powdered sugar before adding cream and strawberries.

For the strawberries, simply chop them up or cut them into heart shapes. This is perfect for Valentine’s Day or just as a sweet treat!

Other fruits like raspberries or blueberries also taste good with this recipe.

List of ingredients: puff pastry sheets, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla extract, fresh strawberries.

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