Start Slow


Happy New Year! 

2022 has arrived and it seems as if everyone is ready to make this “the best year ever.” Understandably so, as we are now going into year three of the pandemic. Everything in the world is still fluctuating and while some may feel a bit more lenient, others are still considering all the safety precautions.

I’m somewhere in an in-between right now. While I do have goals I want to accomplish, I’ve also decided to take things slow and not feel pressured to get anything done right away. I want space for things to breathe and fully develop.

I am still working on not feeling that pressure I set upon myself. So far I’m doing way better than previous years which has been great for my mental health. I’ve always been a “machine” as various coworkers have nicknamed me for my ability to get a task done quickly and efficiently. However, I’m not a machine, nor do I want to continue functioning like one.

Which is why I’m in this in-between right now as I find myself still fighting with myself at times and then other times feeling zero guilt for going slow. Now that I have a more flexible lifestyle, a healthy mentality is top priority.

Navigating the pandemic and working independently hasn’t been easy. There are still so many worries and unknowns, which is why it is important for me now more than ever to take things one step at a time. Conquer each battle as they come.

So what does starting slow mean?

It means quiet mornings with a good cup of coffee without doing anything else

Doing small, enjoyable activities unrelated to work before work

Giving myself plenty of time to accomplish a task

Remembering not to skip much needed breaks

Some days will start a little later than others

Slowly incorporating healthy habits into daily life (example: home cooked meals)

Not rushing goal completions because there is no deadline

Starting slow doesn’t mean lagging behind or being lazy. It’s more intentional. More thought is put into each idea before executing the task. It results in less anxiety and what ifs and more confident decisions. 

Looking back on my schedule last year, almost every day for the first few weeks of January was packed with some sort of “urgent” task. Nothing was urgent. We have a whole year and then some and then more years to accomplish anything we want. But it doesn’t have to be done with unneeded stress.

While it's perfectly okay to give yourself deadlines and hold yourself up to personal standards, remember that it's also okay to take your time. Give your thoughts room. Let your work and leisure time breathe. You’ll find that there is so much joy in each day by going at your own pace.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.”  ―Mae West