Moon Juice

I discovered Moon Juice about a year ago and took my sweet time deciding if I wanted to try it out. I finally pulled the trigger after weeks of research and over the past few months I’ve tried a variety of products to see if Moon Juice was actually legit.

For those curious, Moon Juice creates plant-based adaptogenic blends in order to better your lifestyle whether you’re looking to improve your diet, mental health, or other areas of your life. These blends come in the form of powder supplements or multivitamins. Moon Juice also has their own skincare line if you’re not interested in supplements. Whatever your preference, there is something for everyone. 

It’s taken some time to gather all my thoughts, but I’m glad I was able to determine what works for me! My main concerns were my skin and my mental health. So, I have a lot of opinions! Here are the four items I decided to try out:

Spirit Dust


Collagen Protect


Personally, Moon Juice is a little pricey which is why I took my time to research what exactly I was looking to target. However, some items are definitely worth it! And if you really don’t know where to start, I’d recommend looking into the Full Moon Sachets in order to try a variety of the Moon Dust collection and determine what you like best. 

Spirit Dust

Moon Juice Spirit Dust
Moon Juice With Chelle

Over the past couple years I’ve really been struggling with my anxiety which causes uncontrollable irritation and mood swings. While I do take medication, I’ve noticed that Spirit Dust helps me immensely on days where I’m feeling extra agitated and anxious. It’s like injecting a dose of calm in order to return to a state of clarity.

At first I didn’t know if this was a placebo effect or if Spirit Dust was the real deal. But now I’m on my second container and I swear it's one of the best supplements I have ever tried! I’ve taken it on good and bad days and have noticed a difference that lasts throughout the whole week.

I add ½ a teaspoon (recommended is 1 tsp) of Spirit Dust into my morning coffee or cocoa and feel motivated and happy throughout the whole day. It doesn’t alter the taste of my drink even with the full serving size so I don’t even notice that I’ve added anything extra. 


Moon Juice Magnesi-Om
With Chelle Moon Juice

The main reason why I wanted to try Magnesi-Om was for a better night’s sleep. It helps support brain health, relaxation, and alleviates bloating during PMS. To be honest, Magnesi-Om isn’t part of my daily routine and sometimes I even forget about it since a little bit of Spirit Dust seems to go a long way.

However, I will hype Magnesi-Om up! All you need to do is add 1 teaspoon to some water in order to create a delicious pink drink! Aesthetic and beneficial! And whenever I do use Megnesi-Om I notice instant relaxation throughout my whole body. Sometimes I even feel like I could fall asleep after a few minutes of finishing my drink!

Collagen Protect

Moon Juice Collagen Protect
Moon Juice With Chelle

I love the idea of Collagen Protect, but I will not be ordering another batch of it. This is another supplement that can be added to your coffee or smoothie in order to preserve your natural collagen, hydrate your skin, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. 

While I did notice an improvement of my skin, I couldn’t get over the papery taste it added to my coffee even when I reduced the recommended 2 tablespoons to ¾ of a tablespoon. It is supposed to act like a creamer and many reviews stated there was little to no taste difference. Unfortunately, I have to disagree. However, if you don’t mind the flavor I do believe it does wonders for your skin!


Moon Juice Pearl
Pearl With Chelle

After trying Collagen Protect, I was still on the hunt for something to help with my skin. Then I found Pearl! Pearl helps strengthen and improve hair, skin, and nails. Throughout the whole process I was a bit anxious as the only ingredient is Pearl Extract. All I could think of was, “I’m going to be ingesting pearls!?” 

Even after researching the safety and benefits of it all, my body’s first reaction to adding the recommended ½ teaspoon serving was very hesitant. Pearl is such a fine powder that it still floats to the top and creates a shimmering shine effect to my coffee. 

Luckily, I was able to get over the fact that it feels like I’m drinking literal pearls! I reduced the daily amount to ¼ teaspoon, which is plenty for me, and mix it with Spirit Dust. There is no taste at all and you can add Pearl to whatever you like— even your skincare products. After a couple weeks I’ve noticed quite an improvement to my skin and especially my hair.

Final Thoughts: After trying these products I’m keeping Spirit Dust and Pearl in my daily routine with the occasional drink of Magnesi-Om. Moon Juice has so many options, I think it’s important to do your own research as well. The website has tons of information for each product so you can easily determine what to get.