Affordable & Sustainable Brands


When you think of ethical or sustainable clothing brands, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 

Sustainable clothing isn't often known for its affordability. I've researched countless articles listing brand after brand deemed as "affordable." Yet, I couldn't find anything that fit my style and budget. 

Independent brands are the heroes when it comes to reducing the impact of fast-fashion, while well-known retail stores are overlooked because of their history in the fashion industry. However, I've discovered a few shops that are making a conscious effort to introduce eco-friendly clothing to their customers. It is very clear which brands are slowly changing their narrative while others refuse to take the same step. All it takes is a little more research. 

With Chelle Cotton On

The price of an item always plays a huge factor towards my purchasing decisions. Personally, I don't want to have to save up a bunch of money in order to buy just one t-shirt, especially if it is being shipped to me. I'd rather get a few items for the same price and actually have a lasting wardrobe. 

You don't have to break the bank trying to support slow-fashion. Change takes time and small steps towards that goal is perfectly okay. I used to work at a fashion company and had the opportunity to gain insight from the Marketing Department. What you purchase will show up in Analytics, which gives the company knowledge of what their customers want and what the brand should be selling more of. Being aware of what you purchase really does count! 

So enough rambling from me! Here are five brands that I've discovered that provide affordable, ethical, and sustainable options. 

PacSun Me To We

  • Prices range from $10-$30

  • Great for basics

Me To We is PacSun’s sustainable collection that uses recycled fabrics in order to eliminate waste and pollution. Every purchase goes towards helping families overseas and improving the environment. 

I bought two tops from the Me To We collection and they are perfect for summer right now! The material is lightweight and I felt super comfortable wearing them. They held up in the wash and have no weird snags or hanging threads.  

Cotton On

  • Prices range from $15-$50 

  • Great for basic tees and jeans

Cotton On supports a variety of sustainable efforts, such as using recycled materials and reducing the amount of water used to produce. I had to do a little research as not all items on the site seem to have the information on each product page. Luckily, I found Cotton On’s Thoughtful Edit that makes it a bit easier to shop specific styles. 

I’ve bought from Cotton On before, so it was no surprise to me that the basic tees fit great and are comfortable. Everything I’ve bought so far seems to be great quality for the pricing with the exception of one shirt that had a weird pokey thread. Mostly my fault though because I tugged at the thread instead of cutting it which created a snag. 


  • Prices range from $10-$100

  • Great for fashion-forward pieces 

  • Great for accessories 

Zara’s Join Life collection has a huge variety of fashionable pieces. By 2025, Zara aims to be 100% zero waste as well as using 100% recycled and sustainable materials. Currently, all Join Life clothing has at least 25% ecologically grown cotton or recycled polyester. 

Basics are quite affordable and if you’re looking for more stylish items, pricing is about mid-range so you aren’t splurging too much. Join Life is great for creating a whole sustainable outfit on a budget! 

H&M Conscious

  • Prices range from $10-$150+

  • Great for fashion-forward pieces 

If you’re looking to step away from basics, H&M’s Conscious Collection has a variety of styles to choose from. H&M uses organic, recycled and other sustainably sourced materials along with supporting fair wages and animal welfare. At times, there are some pricier items, but the majority of the fashion-forward pieces are pretty affordable. 

I’ve been eyeing H&M’s Conscious collection for quite a while now, but haven’t purchased anything until recently. I just really wanted some of their cuter items, but they were a little more expensive! Finally decided to pull the trigger and bought a dress and I’m so glad I did! The material feels amazing and I love the style. 


  • Prices range from $25-$200

  • Great for underwear

  • Great for bedding and towels

Pact is an entirely organic clothing brand. You don’t have to do any research when purchasing specific items and all their information is right on the website. By using organic cotton, Pact is reducing 91% of the water used in production along with eliminating toxic dyes and pesticides. Even their packaging is recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable! 

I personally don’t shop here for fashion, but I do like their underwear because they are super comfortable and Pact does a good job updating the styles frequently. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered a lot of stretch in the neckline of their shirts and tiny holes after washing. So right now, I’m just sticking to the underwear which has held up amazingly well. I also have their towels that I use every morning when I wash my face.

What are some sustainable brands you love?