COVID-19: What To Do If You've Been Laid Off

As disheartening as the situation is, lay-offs and unemployment are to be expected during the Coronavirus outbreak. If you've been caught off guard and don't know how to assess the situation, first and foremost file for unemployment

File as soon as possible and then start the job hunt. While looking for a new job can also be difficult during the crisis, try looking once a day to see if you can apply to anything. And if you need time to mentally heal or you can't leave the house, look once a week. Job searching on a regular basis will keep you proactive and form healthy habits for the future. 

The entire world has been affected by COVID-19 and now, more than ever, it is important to check on your mental health. While your physical presence is extremely important, your mental well-being requires just as much attention. So what can you do in order to stay sane during these stressful circumstances?

Mourn and Move On

COVID-19: What To Do If You've Been Laid Off

When I was laid off, the feeling of suddenly being unemployed was so surreal. Now, I'm left with an open schedule, but everything still feels so noisy and busy. 

However, you're absolutely allowed to feel upset, angry, or even unmotivated. And maybe you hated your job, but now you're confused on how to even feel. Let all the emotions flow through you, but don't linger on the lost job for more than a day or two. What's done is done. 

It's time to move on. What does that mean though? You've filed for unemployment, you're job searching frequently, but you need to keep busy! Now is the time to bring a little more enjoyment to your life. 

Rediscover Your Interests

COVID-19: What To Do If You've Been Laid Off With Chelle

As much as I tried to deny it, work consumed my entire life. It was all I thought about from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep, whether it was thinking about daily tasks or office politics. I felt guilty for things I shouldn't have felt guilty for which pushed me to focus on work even more after hours. 

If you've struggled with similar circumstances, clear your mind. While other stressful factors might be present, the stress of work is gone and you need to take the time to focus on YOU. Tune into any hobby that you've set aside and rediscover what you love to do! Or maybe try something new that you've been meaning to get to, but never took the chance. Even though it's not a vacation, take advantage of all this sudden free time. Your mind will thank you. 

Here are some ideas for indoor activities during the COVID-19 Quarantine: Learn a new recipe, Paint with Bob Ross, Online Classes, Meditation, Play a video game, Journaling, Blogging or YouTube daily vlogging.

Clean The House

COVID-19 Clean The House With Chelle

The loss of a job can put you in a massive slump and it can be all too easy to not care about anything. However, having a clean living space will subconsciously brighten your mood. 

Cleaning the house can also relieve some tension since you're staying active. The entire house doesn't have to be cleaned all in one day, start with the area you hang out in most often and just make sure it's tidy. Move onto other rooms whenever you're itching for some movement. Maybe even rearrange the furniture! 

Most importantly, make it a daily habit to wash your dishes. You'll be surprised how fast the sink fills up when you're eating every meal at home and neglecting the clean up. And you'll be even more surprised with how happy you'll feel with an empty sink.  

Ask For Help

Help can be a foreign concept for many. Set aside your pride and reach out to your support system. Help doesn't have to come in the form of money or physical labor. It can be as simple as phoning a friend and having a conversation in order to express your concerns out loud.

The moment I got laid off, I called my mom who I hadn't had a phone conversation with in a few months. It was nice to just hear a familiar voice and know that everything was going to be okay and if I did actually need help that I had somewhere safe to go. 

Remember, you are never alone. If you’re struggling mentally, there are so many online resources to find support such as NAMI or Mental Health America.

Stay Positive

I'm a huge advocate for staying positive during difficult times. I fight the constant uncomfortable anxiety in the pit of my stomach and do my best to see the good aspects. Eventually the anxiety will fade, but if you regularly suffer with mental health issues it might take some time. Keep fighting. 

By staying positive, you kill the temptation to fall into bad habits and an unhealthy mindset. It pushes you to pursue healthy activities and stay on a schedule. Positivity helps develop better coping mechanisms during times of crisis and you'll respond calmly to many situations. 

Chaos and fear is the easy response. Spread positivity and love during these hard times. It is the only way our empathy towards others and sense of humanity will survive. 


Wishing everyone the best during these uncertain times and for the future. Stay hopeful, the world will heal, and everything will be okay.